Wednesday Nights from 6:30 – 8:00 PM
FAC Kids Club is a program for children from age 3 through grade 6 that runs on Wednesday nights from 6:30 – 8:00 PM during the school year (September through April). The program is graded, so children will be part of an individual club specifically designed for their age group (Pre-K, K-2, grades 3-4 and 5-6).
Kids Club is part of “Family Night” at FREMONT ALLIANCE CHURCH, with programs for children, teens, and adults. Every Wednesday, we offer a well-balanced FREE FAMILY MEAL beginning at 6:00 PM. We invite you to bring the entire family. The dinner is FREE, but donations are gladly accepted.
After dinner, at 6:30 PM Kids Club kicks off a night of fun activities, high energy music, and engaging Bible lessons. (Our FAC Teens ministry also begins at 6:30 PM for students from grades 7 through 12.)
“GREAT! I’d love How do I get started?” Simply follow the registration instructions below:
Online Registration
Registration must be completed before a child can attend FAC Kids Club. There is a one-time annual registration fee of $10 per student ($25 max for families with 3 or more children). The registration fee covers all materials and an FAC Kids Club t-shirt. Once your child is registered, you will receive more information about Club policies (safety, Club rules, cancellation policies, etc.).
To register, please click HERE
Check-in Process
Check in begins at 6:15 PM. When you arrive at the church, you will park in the back lot and check in at the registration tables in the foyer (through the carport). You will receive a security card for your child. Please bring your card with you at pick-up.
Pick-up Process
Safety is our #1 priority during check-out. When you come to pick up your child at 8:00 PM, you will check in at the registration table in the Gym. You MUST present your security card to pick up your child. Your child will pe released from the FAC Kids Room and meet you in the gym.
Need to talk to someone?
We want to help make this a great experience for your child! For more information, please contact:
Rosie Vencil, FACkids Director
or contact the church office at 419.332.4392
Thank you!